Or so it must seem. The earbuds to my iPod are dark with a black cord. I had to give up the white umbilical cord of pop culture to preserve my anonymity. While I occasionally long to be recognized by the others in the cult of the technologically elite, I prefer the indifference of people from lower socioeconomic altitudes without unnecessary overly expensive toys who point their red-hot laser eyes at yuppie scum on the bus. So yah, I�m not standing up for my scummy brethren, but nether will my iPod be ripped out of my pocket due to its screaming, self-advertising white wires.
Anyway� the black cord combined with a black jacket, a black shirt, a grey scarf, and trendy over-the-ear hairdo becomes invisible. This is why people assume I can hear them. I can�t. I am rocking out. I am watching how the cars move with the surge of the chorus, or noticing how the light of the late afternoon filters through the trees just perfectly with the jangle of Joseph Arthur�s guitar on Honey in the Moon. I do not hear you asking me for spare change (your toothless mumble would be difficult to make out if my ears weren�t already filled with foam and music) and I don�t hear you when you�re yelling �Gus!� and waving at me from across a 4-lane street. I do not hear you say hello at the bus stop, and when I notice you, pull out an earbud, and say �what?� I find it irritating when you say �oh nevermind!� I�ve got the damn thing out, now you don�t want to say anything? Fuck you! It�s 8am! Leave me alone or don�t � doing both at once doesn�t work.
So pal o mine on the street, I don�t dislike you, I�m not avoiding you, and I want to say hello, I just don�t know you�re there. Get in my face and kick me in the shins. Homeless mumbler, I don�t have change for you. There are too many of you on the street in this town for that to be a manageable way for me to donate. I�ll try to smile, but if I look confused? It�s because I�m confused. If I keep going, it just means you aren�t dancing to the rhythm of Fat Bottom Girls, and my eye is drawn to the bike messenger on the corner who�s pedaling to the beat.
Posted by allison at April 11, 2005 12:21 PMfor the even eliter than elite who want real SQ instead of white pop-cu, check out http://www.etymotic.com where YOU TOO can buy $300+ ear buds for your ipods.
Posted by: bro at April 11, 2005 02:25 PMI will here point out that my earbuds, which work just great, were $9.99.
Ha cha.
Posted by: sis at April 14, 2005 11:49 AMI have EXACTLY the same issue. I got black headphones so that I could use my ipod without hassle. But no one can see that I'm wearing headphones, and so I still get asked for change, and when I don't respond, people get mad.
It's hard to block out society in favor of a private soundtrack and not piss them off with our obvious rejection.
Posted by: sonia at April 27, 2005 05:49 PM