September 12, 2005

Gone Fishin' (For the 327th Day)

The situation in New Orleans is still totally surreal to me. Unbelievable. There�s nothing to say you haven�t read in the papers.

America sure looks like a jerk. Was someone relying on God to take care of the Country�s problems over an emergency plan? Fundamentalism will move us backwards (just like it does our �enemies�).

Posted by allison at September 12, 2005 03:59 PM


Posted by: boom at September 13, 2005 01:56 PM

Historically speaking, God seems to do floods pretty damned well.

This is my second time to your site in one day. I'm creeping myself out. Back in a week or two.

Posted by: Kev at September 13, 2005 03:48 PM
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