September 29, 2005

Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful

No wait, the weather outside’s delightful – Indian Summer finally arrives, it’s the only summer we get around here. It is a blue-sky sunny 80 degrees and 60% humidity. I’ve already walked about 4 miles outside today and will probably walk the 2 miles home, and in San Francisco, it really is up hill both directions.

Things you see everyday in San Francisco

- The 2 story Pagoda made from discarded wooden toy cutouts in the park on the new Boulevard
- Streetside crab vendors
- The wharf and it’s resident sea lions
- The view of the bay from Pacific Heights over the Marina onto Alcatraz
- The view of Oakland over the bay from high up on in an office building
- Toddlers having a snowball fight in the street as guys do crazy ski jump freestyle over the heads of the crowd

Oh, wait, that last one you can’t see everyday. Just today. Totally rad, dude.

To be honest, I walked down the waterfront yesterday at lunch, I don't really see ALL those things everyday. Unless I want to.

Posted by allison at September 29, 2005 04:33 PM

Three phrases should be among the most common in our daily usage. They are: Thank you, I am grateful and I appreciate.

Posted by: penis enlargement at December 22, 2005 06:33 AM
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