I've gone all crazy for whole grains. Mostly moved over from the refined grain products. I still eat white flour and white rice and all that good stuff, but have been trying to widen the variety of whole grains in my diet and try to use them pretty exclusively when cooking at home. It's the latest craze and I'm on the bandwagon with a tambourine.
Brown rice was already a regular in my food, but a while back I added quinoa. Lately, I got millet and barley into the mix. Talking to some friends the other week I thought I might try sprouted grains. I screwed up the first batch, it was probably about to turn into beer, but today a nice mix of oat, barley, wheat, and rye finally started showing their sprouts. Tonight I threw a big handful into a pile of other stuff and ate it up. It was pretty good.
I feel all healthy eating this crap, and luckily it tastes good. Best is that the stubborn zits that would never leave no matter what I tried have cleared up. They only came back this week after I spent last weekend eating birthday cake and crackers. Hmm. Perhaps whole foods will help me live 4-evar.
Here you see the jar I used to sprout them in (soak them overnight, then rinse a few times a day, tilt downward to drain) and a bowl full of the grains with their sprouts showing.
Posted by allison at April 2, 2007 10:13 PM