Week 30 of 1995
why is the best club in Asia,Zouk Singapore, closed?
Signed, osmo
Allison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Alison,My wife is constantly unhappy. She reminisces aboutthe life she wold like to have had with a previousboyfriend and in her home town. She expresses her unhappiness as anger and rage toward me. I may not wish to continue.
Signed, Beaten once too oftenAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison !What about a french version of our beloved WIRED Magazine ?
Signed, Romain Poirot, Freelance Journalist, ParisAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison:I have a Ph.D. in English. But before you tell me to get lost, that I'veruined my life, let me tell you that I already realize this. I also havea healthy interest in emerging technologies but don't really have a lotof technical, programming type skills. I am right now learning html with little problem but probably couldn't do much more without going crazy. So, please, employment advice.
Signed, jobless in ManhattanAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Aloha Alison! I'm a newbie and I probably shouln't be asking this but, where do I get bootleg sofware- aka black market - on the net?
Signed, Ambitious TypeAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,My brother is looking for a roommate and so am I. Live together, you say.That's the same thing our parents said. Oh, my God, I can't live with my brother!But how do I tell him that with out looking like the bitch from hell.He's a very sensitive type and depresses easily. Help!
Signed, Sister with a her own lifeAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
I could help but notice... Is that your real hair?
Signed, Silly but CuriousAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Is HW really that crowded or just likes to appear like that ?What is your definition of hype ?
Signed, micolasAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison, Here, I hope, is an easy question for you: Whichis better for a car, synthetic oil or natural oil?
Signed, Doug DillnerAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,Not long ago, I had been unemployed for 6 months, I was loveless, and I was surrounded by people waiting for Windows95. Now I'm in love, I got a job as a webmaster (I won't plug the site), I have a NeXTstep machine on my desk, and Sonic Youth is headlining Lollapalooza. On top of it, the web is becomming the next, big thing. Is the world really becomming a better place, or am I just imagining this upswing?P.S. I've noticed that people are still waiting.
Signed, Dixie DregsAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
If Pro is the Opposite of Con, then is progress theopposite on congress?
Signed, SPARCyAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison, Can you give an advice about my study plan. I have money problem, the college that I had apply gave me only $3000 scholarship. I counldn't pay extra $9000 for a year's tuition. I'm working part-time to pay my expenses and others. I'm very upset because I can't go to the college that I wanted to go ! I might have to return to my country next year, but I don't want to leave because of my financial status. I need to learn more, and more. Please give me your advice. Thanks.
Signed, Yih Biow YapAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison, I liked your page. I am in a need of a powerful computer and also an ISDN access to the internet from my home office. I needed the recommendations for the configurationof my dream computer and modem. I can't keep up with all the adverisements and promisesthe computer salesmen tells me.
Signed, PerplexedAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,I have this searing pain in my torso that feelslike someone stabbed me with a foot-long knife. When I take a deep breath--or one limited to abouthalf a breath--it feels like someone is yanking mearound by the knife.I saw the doctor but all he said was, "We'll sendthe X-rays to the radiologist and see what he says."I don't know if you can help. When I told my sisterabout my pain, all she could do was laugh at me. Ithink that she was truly amused. *sigh* Ow.
Signed, Matt's having chest painsAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
What do the operators here think of conservatives?I found this site through a link on "The Right Sideof the Web" and it looked cool, so I registered. Iam conservative (socially) and I was just curiousto find out if people like myself get bashed aroundhere.
Signed, Mike M.Allison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
What software do you currently recommend to put together a nifty home page with the least amount of hassle (Macintosh compatible please). P.S. Is that a wig you're wearing?
Signed, Up the canal without a paddleAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Do you think it's a good idea for me to approach my boss and tell him how Idon't feel like there's much advancement opportunity for me at work unlessthey listen to my ideas about enhancing my position or would that put him onthe defensive and cause him to worry about replacing me. I've been here foralmost 2 years.
Signed, BoredAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,I'm going to be a senior in high school this upcoming year. I've been in high school since 8th grade, taken hard classes, and always been pretty much a year ahead. This past year, taking all senior classes, having all senior friends, even going to senior prom, should have been my senior year. A teacher asked me if I wanted to graduate early, and said if I did I probably could. Well, all of my friends (seniors) are going off to college and if I stay I'll be stuck taking leftover, blow-off classes and having a pretty dismal year. I'm into computers and the Internet. I created our school's web page. When it's time to go to a 4-yr college I'd like to go to MIT. But for this year, I'd like to get away. Take advantage of this free year that's come from hard work. I'd like to do Internet-related work. Things I couldn't do here at school and things that would involve me on the cutting edge of the Net. Any ideas? Could I intern at HotWired? That would be the coolest. Or companies such as Netscape? Or spend a year or so at a computer/Internet involved college? Thanks in advance.
Signed, AnonymousAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
What makes techie-guys tick? Or, what do they look for ina girl? I find them strangely alluring.
Signed, Computer IlliterateAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Why am I so damn cool, and how can I make money from it.
Signed, NathanAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
allison? oh dahling your column is fanTAStic!here's a question: OJ - when will it stop? Your verdict? And what about Marcia Clark? Ito? Please - tell me. You know i'm dying to know.
Signed, MikeAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.