Week 31 of 1995
Allison, I am a 15 year old high school student who fits the sterotype of "Geek" and is proud of such. My problem is however, my apparent inability to finda "Geekette". I'm not looked down upon by the unwashedminds of the desolate desert of ignorance that is themainstream teenage population, as I was elected tostudent council by a landslide. What should I do to get a girlfriend? The girls in my school tend to be shallowgap-fans, whereas I am a psychotic conspiracy nut programmer type (ever seen "Falling down"). You'rethe guru, teach me.
Signed, Maligned in Montreal
Allison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Do you think that the human race is naturally monogomous when it comes to lomg term sexual partners or is the concept of marriage merely an imposition of a Christian dominated society?
Signed, BapAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison: I've got about three guys who always flirt with me. Two have girlfriends, but I don't know about the third. The first two aren't happy with their girlfriends, but those girls are "sure bets" and I'm not. I've fooled around with one, and the second has professed his love to me. He says that we would be the perfect New England couple sitting around doing the New York Times crossword together. I basically told both of these guys to shit or get off the pot. Buy a ticket for this train ride, 'cause it ain't free. The third guy is still a possibility I think. But I can't take the flirting anymore. And I can't make the first move. He's invited me to see his band, and I've done that once. Should I go again? I don't think men deserve to have big egos, and I'm certainly not gonna give him one. Oh -- the hell with all of them.
Signed, Teased in TorontoAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
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Signed, Getting AngryAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
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Signed, Sleepless in BostonAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
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Signed, -On the edge of a heartbreak.Allison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
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Signed, JohnAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
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Signed, IhopAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
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Signed, LMVAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
I am 23 and and I met this gorgeous 38-year-oldwoman and we fell instantly in love. We had a GREAT,intense and passionate relationship for some months,but suddenly we started to argue violently abouteverything, from religion to the way I tie myshoelaces (really !). Life became unbearable,until some weeks ago I finally decided to leave her DEFINITELY (and I don't regret it). However, she started an irritating campaign toput me down before my friends, family and everyoneI know or care about. She phoned my mother,my father and my brother, talked to my grandmother,my aunt, all my friends, my friends' girlfriends,that is, just EVERYONE, even posted messages at theBBS where I have my internet account, all the timesaying horrible things about me, revealing intimatedetails of our relationship, and proclaiming howshe still loves me in spite of the monster I am(supposed to be). She is brainwashing everyoneI know into hating me. The last time I visited myparents, my mother had been crying because of somedistorted things this woman had told her. This whole story is getting really annoying,specially because I can't find a way to stop her.I phoned her and told her, angrily, that she wasbehaving in a regrettable way, but nothing changed.I thought it might go away with time, but it's beenmore than a month now and she didn't stop. Should Ijust ignore her ? Should I try to stop her somehow ?Should I start doing the same thing to her ? (astupid solution, I know).
Signed, Sergio Biasi, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
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Signed, J. Kanuch (rmbaud)Allison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
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Signed, Cal TurpinAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
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Signed, Soft PhilAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
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Signed, jnc & AA-RAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.