Week 32 of 1995
Dear Allison - No matter who I ask, I can't get an answer to the 1 question whose answer has escaped me for years!! I hope you can help put my mind at ease by answering this question::If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a noise???? Thanx for yourhelp, Allison!!!!
Signed, jimbo61
Allison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison, I'm a 24-year-old-architect. Last month I began arelationship with a 22-year-old-boy who works taking photographs in amodel agency and sometimes as a waiter in a night club (I guess anerotic one). We don't see each other very often because he lives 30miles away from here. Let's call him Darky. The problem: I'm going tocelebrate my 25th birthday on 28 July and I'd like to make a party athome. All my friends are going to come but I'm ashamed to tell themI'm going out with Darky (he's a sweet boy, but I don't love him). Theworst is that he told me he'd asked for his father's car to visit meand bring me a gift. Please help me!!! What can I do (or say) to keepDarky away from home in the next days whithout breaking his heart...?
Signed, Darky's friendAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
I'm loosing it in a major way. I have broken up with someone recently and found out they cheated. How do I move on?
Signed, HeartbrokenAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,is there always room for jello?
Signed, Derek from Anytown, USAAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear A, I must admit, I love the fact that the solutionto most problems is drinking. I'm curious, though,is there any other solution? Or am I doing every-thing the right way?Much Luv
Signed, Cow'gAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
In the past few months I have developed a feeling that my boyfriend is cheating on me. At the beginning of our relationship, he confessed to never being faithful in a mongamous relationship. In a recent day together he mentioned he gets away with as much as I let him. I asked him what he meant. He didn't say, but simple repeated his first statement- chuckling. He has an excuse for everytime I think something is going on behind my back. Needless to say the urge to snoop has overwhelmed me. I found a woman's business card in his desk for a women's shoe department at expensive store. On the back of the card was a home phone number in a woman's handwriting. What should I do? I doubt he's a cross-dresser (I've been dating him for over a year). I don't want to be played a fool in this relationship but if I ask him about this phone number I'll have admitted to snooping. I want to know if my intuition is correct- should I call?
Signed, suspiciousAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
I went out with a guy that I met through work. We had a wonderful time and he invited me to his place for dinner sometime. We had a lot in common and had good conversation through our first date. He gave me a kiss on the cheek at the end of the first date and said he'd see me soon. Everything seemed cool. HE NEVER CALLED AGAIN. I left 2 messages in a period of a month. The guy never called back! I'm not a bad person and I don't give off bad vibes- don't I at least deserve a decent explanation? This has happened to other women besides myself. Are men really cowards? What am I supposed to do the next time I go out on a first date to avoid this from happening again.
Signed, left in the darkAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Hey cyberbabe,My boyfriend is a computer nerd working at the world's largest megaopolous uberlord velvet sweatshop palace thingy over in the great Northwest. Now, the cool thing is with the stock going crazy and all he has money to buy me treats (an lots of em!), (even though it was a stretch trying to explain the finer points of French lingere to him) well anyway, so he gits me treats. BFD.I want more. I want passion. I want fulfillment. I want a C++++++++ (big one). I want him to deliver the real goods, not just ship digital stuff to the faceless millions. So, cyberbabe, how do I get my cyberdork out of his screen and into my pants???
Signed, Sleepless in SeattleAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
dear allison,i am a german student living in berlin and am desperately in love with adeaf girl from tokyo, japan. my problem is that i don't know how tocommunicate with her in sign language. i started learning the germansign system. do you know whether these two systems are compatible witheach other?
Signed, agnes-c. folajiAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
hi allison, how are you doing? i was wondering if you could give me some advice as to what women are looking for in a guy nowdays.its hard to explain but i have worked straight out of highschool doing a lot of things from construction to retail.and then one day (7 years to be exact) i decided to go back to school and get my degree in industrial design, well as soon as i came back to school, i found my social life come to a screaching halt and all my time fully devoted to school work.so now i am entering my 4th year, the graduation year and i am realising that i don't have a clue anymore about how dating works now.its like working in a kind of vaccum while i've been at school you know.anyways throw some pointers my way if you can.
Signed, living in a vaccumAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,My dog Tyke follows me everywhere. I really love him and want him around but sometimes I have to work and things like that. When I leave and he stays home he kind of lays around and is sad all day. (This is according to my mother) who lives with our family, (wife and two children). We all love the dog but wish he wouldn't put on the bummed out look. I suppose we should be happy he doesn't void in the house. I just wish there was someway to get him to understand that we'll be back.P.S. He loves to ride in the car. Kind regards
Signed, IggyAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
There's this guy at work who pulls pranks on me all the time, I prank back, but I've gotten to the end of my rope. Do you know any cool pranks that I can get him back with?
Signed, pranklessAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison:I am a recenty unemployed Product Manager interestedin working for an organization doing WWW design. Iam familiar with HTML and how to create good homepages. I have alot of education with a BS EE, MBA, and MS MIS. Additionally I have Product Managementexperience at 2 Fortune 500 firms. Can you suggestsome companies which might be interested?
Signed, John K. KingAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,I know what Emily Dickinson said, I know what T.S. Eliot said, I know it when I see it, but please tell me, what is it that makes for a great poem?
Signed, Still TryingAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
About 6 months ago, I walked in on my wife and another man in our bed.We have since been in counceling and are working out our problems,however I am still having a difficult time understanding herexplanation of why. We have discussed this with our councelor, yet Iam not understanding what it was. It maybe that it is my "male"perspective and why I believe men have affairs (our councelor is maletoo.) From a woman's point of view, could you tell me how an affairwould "have nothing to do with me or sex." She said it was justsomething that happened, it wasn't about sex (I caught them in themiddle of the act), and she loves me and felt that our sex was good,and that didn't have anything at all to do with me. All this and sheadmits that the affair had gone on for about six months before I foundthem. Please tell me how an affair could not have anything to do withme or our relationship. And I am really curious how it could havenothing to do with sex?
Signed, Naive in New MexicoAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.