Week 34 of 1995
I currently live in the suburbs and work in Chicagoand have been seeing a girl who also lives in the suburbs.Recently, I met a girl who lives in Chicago and I would like togo out with her at least occasionally. How do I go out withboth of them without either one finding out? Or should I tellone of them about the other one and see what happens?
Signed, Confused in ChicagoAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Allison,i have this friend that i was very close to. then hefell in love with someone else. i feel so left out.what should i do to get him back.
Signed, lonelyAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,I'm approaching my 30th birthday, and I just realized that... I don't have a life (!)What can I do to get a life, but quick?
Signed, AlainAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Ms. Allison,Is Ask your real first name? Are you some really huge AI that answersall these question? Your brilliance is amazing. Where can I go toknow what you know?
Signed, asking allisonAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Hi!Do you know anyone that would be interested in buying an ultrlight aircraftfor $5000? Its in very good shape but the buyer will or should also buy a parachute and pay for lessons if they don't know how to fly.If so tell 'em to drop me a line at dan@gi.alaska.edu.Thanks
Signed, Dan in FairbanksAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Why do gangs kill each other? Does it improve drug profits?
Signed, Freind to allAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
My neighbour's cat is using the beneath of my porch as his own very large litter box. It is really beginning to smell pretty ripe in the heat. I would like to rub this kitty out, but my partner is peace loving and has asked to find another answer. Can you help me with an alternate answer, or should I just whack this pussy.
Signed,Allison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Allison,what is the font you use for "question" and "answer"?is it available for download? is this background i'mseeing toilet paper?
Signed, jonathan from Desoto TXAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
If matter can neither be created nor destroyed, how'd it get here in the first place? And what ramifications does this have for cyberspace as we know it??? Dearest Allison, please answer this as soon as possible -- I can't sleep until I know(!)Equally Important P.S.: Who WAS behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll in Dallas '63? My indications are this IS all related...
Signed, Lays Awake Thinking About This StuffAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,My roommate is leaving for the big city -New York!!She'll be needing to have a good time now and then, where should she go?
Signed, Worried RoomieAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Alison,Here's my problem: I'm 23 years old living the lifemy father wants me to have. How do I tell him to,well, piss off? I want to act, he wants meto be a doctor. He won't pay for my educationif I don't do what he says.What the hell am I to do?
Signed, Crapy in CanadaAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Allison, I'm currently experiencing a veryuncomfortable form of duress that I hope folksout there might be able to help me with.
For reasons not related to a business trip Irecently went on, I ran into problems whiletrying to smuggle a large brown goose named"Jimmy" into customs at Boston's Logan Airport.Jimmy, in a large black canvas duffel bag I wascarrying, kept shifting and contorting around. People werenoticing and giving me really weird looks.Then, making the matter a whole lot worse,the damn thing defacated twogallons of white bird shit into the bottomof the bag, causing a horrendous smell to radiateacross the baggage terminal. He didn't likebeing in the bag, and that's what caused his demise.
I'm writing because I'm wondering how I can makefriends with farm animals in other countries andactually bring them home with me. Please,help?
Signed, Philip@Farm-FrenziedFunkadeliaAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
How to reconcile the problems of being at that difficult age where theyou're starting to get sort of pegged into a pigeonhole yet you want tokeep on living a young, dynamic lifestyle? To wit: what might be a goodcourse of action for someone who is locking in a professional track butdoesn't want to lock into the professionally-manicured and manacledmindset? Hurry, the clock's ticking and the 8-ball is closing!
Signed, CyberCavAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,How exactly does IRC work? How do I get to a specific channel?How do I connect? I want to speak out, but I can't find outhow?
Signed, the mouthAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison; I enjoy reading your column and it is always the first part of HotWired I go to.But I am not here to heap praise upon you. I have a question I hope that you can help me with since you are all knowing and all seeing. I am designing a Home Page and havea map that I would like to make it possible for the user to click on a section of the map and go to a page with information pertaining to it. I have cruised all the pagesthat I have booked marked with information on designing Home Pages but haven't beenable to find a solution and am hoping you can steer me in the right direction.Thanks
Signed, TarsandAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison, I have managed a retail store for the last 5 yrs. Onecustomer has been shopping there for quite a few yrs, as well andalways talks for a long time when she is was in. Recently I hired her,I really have the desire have a romance with her. I've told her aboutmy feelings, and didn't get alot of response. Problem #1 she's 20 andI'm 40. Problem #2 I'm married. This person and I have a lot incommon, get along very well and respect one another very much. My wifeand I really have nothing in common, other than being married with1 child! When I work with this "Friend" I am at ease. But when we'reapart I have an un-easyness in my stomach. Should I forget my interest,or should I pursue it?
Signed, PA ConfusedAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,Two years ago I found a boyfriend. He was 22 andnever had a girlfriend before. He was very nice, Ithought I could be with him, but he was verychildish and couldn't get along with my friends,with any other people. All my friends told me thathe wasn't good for me. He promised to change, but henever did. The relationship continued for one year,and then I couldn't take it any longer. I told himthat we can be only friends, and he agreed. But thenhe sent me a letter saying that he can't be withoutme. We talked, and he promised not to do it again,but he did. And it continued for the whole year. Heis very nice when he doesn't do that, he is my bestfriend, but his letters annoy me a lot. Finally, Ifound a man whom I really love, he is mature andsecure. I told my ex-boyfriend about it, and he saidhe would be happy if I am happy. But after twomonths he sent me another letter. Probably I shouldbreak up with him completely, but he is my bestfriend and I don't want to lose him. What can I do?
Signed, ConfusedAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
What would you say about a man who gets blind drunk one night and spends the night with a girl who isn't his girlfriend if he doesn't complete the "act"?Consider also that he still loves his girlfriend and feels like a complete asshole.
Signed, Feels like shitAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,She is beautiful, classy, intelligent, famous and rich. Why did Hugh do it? Is there some additional criteria a woman must now posess that we are unaware of? What makes fidelity so impossible for the majority of the male species?
Signed, dazed and confusedAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
I'm an 11 year old girl(I use my Mom's hotwired password) who is really boy-crazy, before any of my friends, no guys like me, my friends are immature, I don't really like the more mature people because they are constantly putting any being funny down.My parents treat me like a baby, I'm sort of accident-prone, and keep getting embarressed, and whenever I have a chance to do anything that will make me what I want, my mind goes blank and I screw up. HELP! What can I do to change my personality?
Signed,Allison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,I'm a 26-year-old SWM who has never even so much askissed a girl. The few dates I've had have beenuneventful at best to disastrous at worst. GirlsLIKE me, but I've yet to find one who's ATTRACTED tome. I've been told I'm a good looking guy, but Ifeel like the least desirable male on the planet.Am I stuck with, "You just haven't met the rightgirl yet," or do you have any hints that might bringa little romantic interest my way?
Signed, Devil BoyAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
What are the proper responses to some of the more common pick-up lines?
For instance: An attractive woman approaches mein the middle of a metropolitan financial district during the evening commute and asks, "Do you have the time?"(There are clocks visible in several storefronts, and she doesn't seem visually handicapped.) I'm reluctant to say something clever like, "I've got all the time in the world for you." So, I look at my watchand tell her what time it is. She seems disappointed as I walk away.
Another example: A woman approaches meat a bus stop and begins telling me where she works, where she was born -- pretty much her entire personal history.She seems to be fishing for an invitation, but I don't feel secure enough to offer to buy her a cup of coffee, let aloneask for her phone number.
It goes against my upbringing to engage in lengthy conversations with complete strangers, yet I've had abysmal luck in relationships with women I met under more conventional (socially acceptable) circumstances. I'm beginning tothink that I've been overly cautious about talkingto strangers.
Women seem to be throwing themselves at my feet, but I'm afraid to do anything but step over or around them.
Signed, Handsome DanAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
There's a girl who I have been seeing socially for about a year, and would like to start 'going out', or 'dating' her. Did I miss my chance by allowing us to become friends before I decided this?? Ipersonally prefer getting to know someone first.
Signed, compuveg@citynet.netAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,I am a product of an interracial marriage, and Iam of course involved in one now myself. My girlfriendand I get along great, and fortunately she and I are two open-minded and cultured individuals. Do youthink because of my ethnic make-up, this could causesome problems (social/peer pressures) for her in the future of our relatonship?I am AFRO-INDO-Filipino Amer. she: Italian
Signed, Mixing Up That Gene PoolAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,A few products that enable people to actually talkvia Internet have emerged recently. These thingssound attractive to consumers like me. But is usingthem fair to the telcos like AT&T? What is youropinion on this matter?
Signed, Monitoring in Kuala LumpurAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Allison,My significant other gets mad every time I get on the computer. What should I do?
Signed, Fed Up in PhoenixAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
What ever happened to VRML?
Signed, flat-out confusedAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison...I did the degree, got the job, and am now in fear ofbeing trapped in Industry for the rest of my naturallife. What can I do to abandon the guarantees of aCorporate existance for the more fulfilling but potentially Pay-Free life of an Artist?
Signed, Left/Right Brain Conflicted in NJAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
How do you safely include a message into an HTML document? Safely, meaning that the message shouldn'tbe easily capable of destroying the appearance of thefollowing text. Is it possible without completelydisabling the tags for the message and escaping its vile content? Is it possible at all?
Signed, Desperate Coder of Web ThreadsAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Do you believe in simultaneous orgasms? I'veheard a lot of conflicting info on how rare/commonit really is.
Signed, truthseekerAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison,My girlfriend is leaving for Australia for a year! She's going to work and travel down under. She wants to know if I will visit her. I said I would but she doesn't really believe me... What can I do?
Signed, pipoAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Dear Allison, Do you think an accusation that someone is racist just because of the colour of THEIR skin is racist in itself?
Signed, Mr. WhiteAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.
Do you do this sort of thing for a living? If so where doI go to find your job?
Signed, Just WonderingAllison hasn't answered this question. But you can.