Week 38 of 1995
If we're all made up of 99.999% empty space, how come I'm still fat?
Signed, Large
I haven't answered this question, but you can.
Dear Allison:I am new at this internet stuff, how to I get to live chatt sites on the net. Thanks from lost in Montana
Signed, micampbellYeah, yeah, yeah.
I am a very shy person and don't ask to many question. Well to get down to business I would like to know how to REALLY eat a girl out?
Signed, Xtremely ShyYeah, yeah, yeah.
if I keep this up I'll eventually find the ultimate truthWhat is truth?
Signed, yin yangsunYeah, yeah, yeah.
Dear Allison,Which is your favorite type of guy?:1.Light grunge rocker2.Sincere folkster by way of 90's pathetic PC3.Name droppin' yupster, sportin' fad gadget Harley4.Club posin', gased up casket ridin', smart drinker5.Facial hair lovin' Corvette driver
Signed, S.M.A.R.T.M.O.U.T.HI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Wow, I've written a lot of questions, life really is confusing. Fortunately I've finally got a simple one: Does Clearisil work?
Signed, Pre-teen horrorsYeah, yeah, yeah.
Dear Allison: Are guys always supposed to make the first move? What's a pathetically shy lass to do? There's a cute guy who works in a video store who is always chatting me up, and I usually chat with him if he does so first. But sometimes I just go in there and drop off my movies and say hello and goodbye. Sometimes I'm chatty, sometimes I'm shy. I don't know, it depends on him because I am afraid of looking bad. I've seen him perform twice (he's a musician, and he invited me to see his shows), but I don't know what he wants. Please, males, tell me what to do.
Signed, Terminally TeasedYeah, yeah, yeah.
Alison,So much to cover, and only this little box to typein. As I said before, this is just so much ephemeraiand the only thing thats important is to enjoy itwhile it lasts. So...Quickly in no particular order (as in: I'm too lazy to check)I wouldn't buy a cheap american automobile even if you sat on the hood and waved catfood coupons.Briefs in jeans, boxers otherwise.I'm watching 'From here to eternity' at the moment as well -- the beach scene -- and theres one question that keeps rolling around in my head. Is that her real hair?Sign me
Signed, <-- has good dental hygiene :][Well, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Hey AllisonFrom a couple of the responses you've given (sweet p and Denny),a real Sherlock reading between the lines might deduce that your romantic life might not be as perfectas I would guess. Is this true? How could it be? I for onewould be as pleased as punch to find a single, wise, and beautifulFemme such as yourself. If so then I would climb mountains (true romantic) to be a suitor of yours. C'est Possible?Or are you tired of e-come-ons?
Signed, AtomI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Dear Allison,If one were to vacuum deposit a few thousand alternating layers of 80 nanometer aluminum and 50 nanometer magnesium fluoride to create a Casimir force etalonic solid, would the excluded vacuum quantum zero point fluctuations uncouple gravitational and inertial mass?
Signed, Uncle AlWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Ali, what in the HELL is going on with Club Wired lately (Fri., Aug 1, Sat. Aug 2)? Did some one turn the LAGMONSTER loose or what?Since you are the only one at HotWired that Knows..I'm asking you.Has there been some sort of technical problem on your end, or did you guys just upgrade to Win95..(gotta get in a Microsoft slam)!I am like a rat on crack when it comes to chat.I guess one just dosen't realize just how strong his addiction is until he can't find a fix!Oh..I have tried E-mail, and even posting messages like this one, but it just dosen't give me the same rush as few emoticons and a couple of "/p" 's.An explanation (full of Allison's special links) and any suggestions for some New NetHighs would be great!
Signed, Got a CHATMONKEY on my back!BFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
I am 22. I have achieved a level of success, but in achieving that success, I have had the blinders on to the personal side of life. Thus, I got great grades in college, got wonderful job offers, accepted a great job, but I have noone to share it with. Looking back, my tunnel vision kept me from engaging in relationships with women, and I now feel lonely.The question is: I know that I haven't gone too far past my 'prime.' After years of inactivity, and trying to juggle a busy work schedule, how do I find that special woman to fill the void in my heart? How does someone, so far out of the 'loop' as I get back into the loop and learn to approach women and interact with them after so long. Thanks
Signed, needlessly lonely, but hopingWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
My gf don't like to give me BJ's as much as I like them, but I love her a lot. Is there something I can do to make going down on me easier for her? I love to go down on her, and I do all the time.
Signed, More BJI haven't answered this question, but you can.
No matter how much myself and my girlfriend of almost 4 years seem to love each other (and we do love each other a lot), we cannot seem to get along!!! The simplest subjects can be the basis for an all out argument replete with hurtful words and the always helpful, 'Why are you still with me, then?'Are we just not meant for each other, or is our resillience and our love for each other enough to keep it going?
Signed, Lullaby ScreamerI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Dearest Allison, I am 18 and I seem to have no luck atall when it comes to females , My only problem is a little weight .but people are so shallow. WHY ?????You are my last hope . eny tips please would be much appresiated . ( I am a hopeless Romantic I like such things as Giving a dozern roses and and boxes of chocolates but every time I tell people about this thay say that it is dead and nobody belives in such wishy washy things enymore !are thay right should I change ? ) Please write back becase you didn t last time I didn t even get on the letters that you didn t answer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye for now
Signed, only the lonely (and confused)BFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
Dear Allison, I am a 20 year old Electrical Engineering Student with a promising future. I am 6'4" 210 pounds and have plenty friends who are female, yet none who want a relationship. I have been labled a "nice guy" because I don't drink, smoke, chew, etc.. Because of this "nice guy" label, I have found that most girls simply are not interested. And yet my high school drop-out friend with the body piercing and tattoos has no problems at all finding a date. In fact, I have routinely seen him turning down woman after woman! Where is the justice here? My question is why do you women always take the "Rebel" with no future over the "Nice Guy" with a great future? Are women inherintly self-destructive or what?
Signed, The Shunned ConservativeYeah, yeah, yeah.
Why is Mike Milken once again Wired? I mean Drexel and the junk bond world are dead.
Signed, erikwhI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Dear Alisson,My cyberpussy dumped me, because someone 'serious'happend by. I'm sad. Cheer me up please.P.S. Love your hairdo
Signed, LollyYeah, yeah, yeah.
If people from the country of Nigeria are called Nigerians, what does one call people from the country of Niger? This question had been bothering me for years.
Signed, karenz, wondering.I haven't answered this question, but you can.
Dear Allison!I am home. Why?
Signed, KoleWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?