Week 39 of 1995
Hey Al, is it just me or is Bill Nye, science guy REALLY a struggling John McEnroe in search of a new gig???
Signed, idunnaknow..
I haven't answered this question, but you can.
Dear Allison,From the scientific standpoints that I have heardit seems that boxers are the best way to go. As Iunderstand it, the theory goes that briefs tend tohold things too close together, thus generatingand retaining a large amount of heat. This inturn causes a reduced level of sperm production,which can result in reduced fertility. Boxers,meanwhile, allow a lower overall temperature tobe maintained for optimum sperm production. Atleast that was the argument, anyway. PersonallyI have always worn boxers because I found them tobe comfortable (imagine using something for that!),and sort of a bit more cultured? (probably notthe word I am looking for but I don't have athesaurus handy). Have you heard anything aboutthis fertility story, or any opinions? ____| ; | <- boxers, not a bench (looks like a bench)|_/\_|
Signed, DanWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Dear Allison, I read My horoscope today. It said I will be crushed by a grand piano falling from a thirteen story building. Should I cut fat out my diet?
Signed, PudgyI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Dear Ali,I really need to know about addiction to this mass of information on the net it is really begining to make my live a living hell. Please help me.
Signed, zoomediaI haven't answered this question, but you can.
I think I might be pregnant and I don't know which choice would be better-an abortion or carrying it through and giving the baby up for adoption? What would you do?
Signed, confusedBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
Dear Allison - Is there Sex after Childbirth?
Signed, Father to beBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
dear al, what's a remedy for "blueballs"?
Signed, swelling achy hard on boyBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
Dearest Allison, My biggest prob is that my fiancedoesn't like to have sex often and I'm a step awayfrom being a nympho. How might I remedy this situationwithout damaging my relationship??
Signed, RickWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
do you still love me ali?
Signed, devilkittyWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
allison:all people suck.why is that?
Signed, i've fucking had itWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
dear ask:
people suck even harder than i thought -
they're pathetic whiny creepy jerks.
am i bitter you ask? damn straight!try brew of the future - it's rocks you like a bengali typhoon.
Signed, damn damn damnI haven't answered this question, but you can.
since you do not experience fall there in San Fran. (i know because i lived there on s.park in the pink house across from s.p. cafe)will you please by a branch, sit in the park on the bench, take a lighter, burn each leave between a marbolo and sip of tea, and smell the beginings of fireplaces rise, brisk wind brush your neck and remember that first fall day with leaves slight change in colorand celebrate the coming of the "Pomenagrante Circus". The entourgae of colorful misfits pulling in the sheath of fall over our heads.Will you do this ritual for me Allison. (remember, it must be earl gray tea and marbolo reds!!!!
Signed, seallyI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Allison you are very clever and pretty (did you get the wig at Rosa's New Looks, Columbus Ave?); but come on, it seems rather un-wired for you folks to present some digitized hotty-knock-off of a three penny come on via the pages of Details. Is the digital culture so hopelessly tied to the banalities of standard hum-drum marketing? If so, Jay Kinney had the A: in aces and spades.
Signed, AZHWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
How did you become so wise?
Signed, GI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Alison -What is your favourite drink?
Signed, Mike Well, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Dear Allison, you say that you know eveything, I will tell my problem to you. I am a graduate student and I succesfully completed the last semester. I worked very hard and got good marks. One of my project team mate claimed me to the judicial program. I got a letter from the university( from admissions), they would like to talk to me about the claim. As I understood in one of the homeworks we individually submitted to the theacher ( only one page of 20) is logically the same. We worked together a lot. I trusted him. He is older than me( he is 30 I am 23 ). No body forced him to help me. He is saying that I copied that page from his home page from our network. Not more than 15 people are using the network. I know that i didn't do something like that. When i got this letter from the adnmissions I went ot the admissions and talked with the director. And then I spoke with my friend who claimed me, what is interesting is that he didn't want to claim me but that my theacher ( of that class) wanted to claim me but told him that he diddn't want to do this, and told him that it is proper for him to do this. My friend addvised me to go and speak with the theacher. The theacher was away from the country. when he came I spoke with him. And he told me that it's not him who claimed me but the student. Infact if he would like to claim me he could have done it. My friend lied to me> In a couple of days we are going for a resolution with the some mebers of the admission. this thing can ruin all my life. How shall i act In that meeting, what shall i say?
Signed, ataturkWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Dear Allison, Why don't you like me? What did I ever do to you?
Signed, anonymousYeah, yeah, yeah.
IÕm in love with my dog but my dog doesnÕt want to go out with me , she prefers this very stupid poodleplease tell me what to do?
Signed, MichelYeah, yeah, yeah.
Allison, I'm a new member and hoping you can help me find some information. I am trying to develop a on-line order form with verification for use by members only. I also need to be able to accept credit card information securely. After filling in the order form, I need the form to be faxed out automatically to my home office (from the Web Site - not from the users computer). Can you tell me how to accomplish these tasks, or point me in the right direction?
Signed, Steve B.Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dear Allison,I have searched far and wide for cheap and smallunderwater ultrasonic transducers but have had noluck. Do you know where I can get such gems?
Signed, Ultrasonically DeprivedBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
Dear Allison, Are you ever told that in your picture you look like Capt. Kirk'smain squeeze on the original Star Trek series?
Signed, NimmerI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Dear AllisonWhat are the criteria for deciding whether a site is "cool"or "hot?" And why don't you answer questions from Aussies?
Signed, Barry McKenzieI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Okay, enough fluff. Here's a meatier question you can chew on. A friend of mine is heading off on a multi-year sailing triparound Central America. He'd like to check in on e-mail viaa laptop from coastal towns. How could he do this and minimizehis phone bill? Are there any big providers down there? Thanks!
Signed, DjunaI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Dear Allison,Why is it the men are always asking you questions ?We all know that women are smarter, but don't they have problems too ? Or do they ask you in secret ?Help me out it puzzles me...
Signed, A man who wants to know tooYeah, yeah, yeah.
Dear Allison, Do you know what ever happened to the zine mondo 2000?
Signed, eddiegoeddieBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
Hi...um, I have a really important question. Can I borrow a fifty bucks to go to the mall with Tina? There's this sweater that I just gotta have.
Signed, Puh-leeeeeeze!BFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
I have been away awhile...what happened to all thecool classified ads/personal ads?
Signed, lost in spaceWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Dear Allison,I was driving on El Camino in Sunnyvale yesterdayand saw a truck with a faded Sun (Microsystems) logo,a wild paint job including the words "SGI Sucks",and the word "ASK", with the url for your page.The truck was driven by a long-haired engineer type.Do you know this guy? Why is he advertising for you?Do you agree with his opinions on Sun and SGI? Didyou help him paint the truck? nice job!ps-please let me know when this will appear on yourpage since i don't get to check it too often.
Signed, Info SeekerWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
What's the best fashion designer discount store in Des Moines, Iowa?--alison jarent, n.y.
Signed, AnonymousBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
Dear Alison,My daughter and I are going to be travelling to Africa (Cameroon) in November. Do you think we will have a good trip?(We hear a rumour you are psychic)
Signed, Elsie WatsonWell, I certainly don't care. Do [an error occurred while processing this directive]you?
Hello,I have a bit of a problem.You see at my work we share a bathroomwith other offices which should not be a problem acceptthey can be very,very messy, as in they PEE ALL OVER THE SEATS!This, need I say really,really GAROSSESS me out!I am tempted to bring this issue to everyones attentionbut dont want to be rude. Then again PEEING ALL OVER THE SEATS IS PRETTY RUDE.So what do you think is a tactful way of dealing with the situation.(notes don`t work)
Signed, wet butt (yuck)BFD, pal, maybe somebody else [an error occurred while processing this directive]cares.
I wannabe an Internet Service Provider!!!!!!!you know - UNIX, routers, T1 lines, SLIP/PPPaccounts, dirty little leased closet spaces, et al.. but I want to provide full access to my community.Where do I start? I know PCs, have my CNE, can get around in UNIX and concider myself technically nerdyWhere do you get a line on the hardware and how to setup an internet service??????
Signed, lcassell@smartlink.netI haven't answered this question, but you [an error occurred while processing this directive]can.
Dear Allison, How about settling the transvestite question for us onceand for all by posting saucy nude .GIFs of yourself?
Signed, schwing!Yeah, yeah, [an error occurred while processing this directive]yeah.
Do you have any friends that just want to have sex nothing more nothing less just sex. I'm just wondering because if your friends look like you I wouldn't mind at all..?
Signed, LancerYeah, yeah, [an error occurred while processing this directive]yeah.
How can you get gum out of your hair?
Signed, -- John Gruber http://www.mcs.drexel.edu/~ujgruberBFD, pal, maybe somebody else [an error occurred while processing this directive]cares.
This may be a random question, but what's in soap?
Signed, Shiny Clean in BerkeleyI haven't answered this question, but you [an error occurred while processing this directive]can.
Dear allison, in the wired issue of August 1995there are 2 references to articles found in FTPsites. When I went to get them I found that theywere in postscript format.How do I read those articles, (Word 6.0 obviouslydid not work ! )Thank you
Signed, Francisco Ceruti I haven't answered this question, but you [an error occurred while processing this directive]can.
Dear Allison,School really sucks, and my teachers are losers.But instead of working in class, I sleep! Is there ANY way I can avoid falling asleep in class! I CAN'TSTOP MYSELF! I NEED HELP! AHHHH!
Signed, coolyboyI haven't answered this question, but you [an error occurred while processing this directive]can.
Dear Allison:Well,I have been going out with my girlfriend for just over ten months. Now she left to the states to GWU, and I had to stay here in Mexico, and I miss her a lot. What can I do to feel close to her even when I am far away?
Signed, the loverBFD, pal, maybe somebody else [an error occurred while processing this directive]cares.
Dear Allison, You look HOT!!! Would you consider going out with me?
Signed, In Love.Well, I certainly don't care. Do [an error occurred while processing this directive]you?