Week 40 of 1995
Signed, JUAN
Well, I certainly don't care. Do you?
I have been pondering over this question for years.In your holy opinion, what is the true meaning of life.
Signed, One who has no lifeI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Hi, I have a great big sexy hairy penis which hurts my back when I walk as it is so bloody huge. I also have testicles the size of bowling balls! The bruising is immense!! Allison do women find this attractive? Do you find this attractive?
Signed, AdrianI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Hi Allison,I just joined the club half an hour ago. I believe Ispoke to you on the phone. You have a very pleasantvoice. I am wondering what you look like.
Signed, I refuse to use my usernameWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Can I use chat on this program and how do I get intoit with a mac?
Signed, irretWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Seen any good movies lately?
Signed, No GumpYeah, yeah, yeah.
Dear Allison,Being that your wisdom is as wide and as deep as theocean I would like to ask you: Are aliens truleyvisiting us or are we merely halucinating from eatingtoo much Jell-O? Your response decides a heated debate.
Signed, Lopsided and VertigoYeah, yeah, yeah.
Dear Allison, I wanna know why i like the girl's but the girl's don't pay attention to me. P.S. my english is too bad. do you peak spanish.
Signed, AnonymusI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Allison...the questions you didn't answer are much more interesting (and sick) than the ones you do answer! Some idiot was asking about god and the internet. Perhaps god is the internet or will evolve to be god!
Signed, joanerBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
Dear Allison:Are you true to yourself? What makes you tick?
Signed, The Wondering SoleI haven't answered this question, but you can.
... are you another machine?
Signed, FrankYeah, yeah, yeah.
hey, alison who says your no anna nicole smith?i disagree we here in new york think your better..
Signed, justicarYeah, yeah, yeah.
dear allison,how and when did you get started at hotwired and do you live in the bay area?i love San Francisco and i am thinking of moving out there - where do you think is the coolest place to live there.thank!
Signed, zaderI haven't answered this question, but you can.
what would the world look like without the color brown? would we be able to see what comes out of our ass?your insights into this would be much appreciated.
Signed, semicolor blindYeah, yeah, yeah.
Well if you haven't seen enough large, erect penises to last you years, let me know. :]
Signed, couldn't resistWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Don't do Windows huh, well then what do you do?MS-DOS, OS/2 Warp, Macintosh System 7, SCO Unix, orthe real thing, Linux-OS. The coolest Operating Sys-tem since Computers were invented!
Signed, HellsBane/Lord of LinuxI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Dearest Allison,A week ago you had a link to a dating site. Unfortuatefor me I didn't mark it in my wonderful Netscape Smartmarks.Would you be so gracious if you could reprint that location?Many thanks, and by the way are you available for a date?Sign me,
Signed, Dateless in NCI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Dear Allison, Why is is that when I join a mailing list such as for a TV show or musician I get the same messages two, three, or even more times a day? This is completely aggravating and not what I thought it would be at all!!! Any ideas?
Signed, ShushanaYeah, yeah, yeah.