Week 41 of 1995
Ok alison what«s going onLOVE ON NET??WHY!!!!!!!
Signed, DIEGO PERDOMOWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
allison, i have a question to offer. is there such a thing as "interactive" film? if so, where can ireach any of these multimedia companies.
Signed, curious in poughkeepsieYeah, yeah, yeah.
Allison: Is there any chat lines out there where people have real conversations? My working definition of same is a little loose, but it includes: () context -- some kind of introduction of who the participants are; something I can hang on on the handle () honesty -- something more evolved than ascii grunts, like, how the participant is doing, what they are doing, things they like, don't, etc. () respect -- occasionally, people float something real on the net, and it seems like a magnet for the grunters to make fun of them, and there it all ends.Maybe I shouldn't be surprised when a medium dominated by pre-teens gets a littlejuvenille, but every time I pop on to online chats, it feels like I've stepped into a virtual playpen. I can occasionally get something goingwith an individual or two (usually reverting to targeted communiques to avoidpublic ridicule) but mostly, it's like watching Martin Downey. Any tips? *** P.s.: a friend of mine who dabbles briefly from AOL describes her net experience as"a bunch of people hitting on each other." (pathetic, when you consider the odds againstthem actually being in the same TIME ZONE pretty miniscule.) Is it your experience as well]that carrying a feminine handle is comparable to walking naked into a prison cell?
Signed, aadhar@numenet.comBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
Dear Allison,Got any advice for someone who's been depressed for almost a whole year?
Signed, AnonymousYeah, yeah, yeah.
Hi there,A very straightforward question - how the hell do I SIGN Wired magazone???And if you don't know that, well...Thanx!Galit.
Signed, Galit, e-mail: galitc@econ.tau.ac.ilWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Dear Allison:Do you believe in God?If so, is she an anthropomorphic God?If so, does she care what name people refer to her by or if they get her gender wrong?If so, is she vengeful?Does she have a devil-like nemesis?If so, who's stronger?I really need to know, I'm thinking of getting baptized.
Signed, Michael son of GeorgeWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Dear Allison:Would you like to know Mexico? I'll be proud of showyou my country!
Signed, GaboBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
What program do you use to work on your WWW page?
And what platform?
Because you certainly do nice work!
Signed, fmagro@vivanet.comBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
Alison:Would you please send me a picture of you and your best friend or favorite pet. I am diong a "favorite person around report."I really admire you. I admire so much that I'd spend hours in a row dreaming aboutyou. That resulted in my wife kicking me out. You are my best and only friend. Please write me back, or I'llbe forced to take drastic measures. "sad & psycho Sam"
Signed, AnonymousBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
Why are we born only to suffer and die? OOops, gotta go. My cat fell in the aquaruim.
Signed, AnniccaBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
Dearest Allison;I am using a Web Browser offered by CompuServe(SPRY Mosaic) but many I-net services suggestI use Netscape. Your opinion?
Signed, Gabbiman (73203,352@compuserve.com)Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Allison, I have been with my boyfriend for almost two years, but I always think about other men, and I have even cheated on him once, but I will never do it again, because I trully love him! I always flirt like mad, and try to meet new guys, and I love to go out without him so that I can meet new guys.On the other hand, I can't wait till we are married, and I can't wait to have his children. Why do I want to cheat so bad, and should I stay with him?
Signed, brasilnutWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Did you miss me?
Signed, Jonny the LobsterBoyWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Dear Allison,Can you please tell, if its right to keep up arelationship,when the man has a very short fuseattitude,and its hard trying to get around him,if you do something wrong,like overteasing him inbed or when you didn't laugh at one of his sillyjokes.Because you see,I really love him,but I'm startingto get confused you know!,does this mean he'strying to get rid of me or what.Please give me a hint!!.
Signed, PROBLEMOBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
Dear Allison.I wasted 5 hours to find the web site which contains the information about the technique to animate some pictures within the html screen.I remember Netsurf introduced that site and some sitesare using that tech(look at http://www.batmanforever.com). But I forget. Please tell me.p.s. In Korea where I live in, best web contest is held,and I want to win. Please help me!!
Signed, A challengerYeah, yeah, yeah.
Dear Allison, I work at the top of the heap and looking down allI see are love-sick losers, terminal nice guys and the bleeding hearts of too many boys whowouldn't grow up. If they could see the oppurtunityqueens climbing over their broken bodies and clawingtheir way up the ladder of sex, drugs and rock 'nroll they might just hesitate the next time theythink with their johnson instead of their howard.Why don't they just go out and get some culturelike the rest of us?
Signed, C|VultureI haven't answered this question, but you can.
Dearest Allison...Why does love tolerate web surfing?Yours fondly (ahem),
Signed, Roy Blumenthal http://www.pix.za/barefoot.pressBFD, pal, maybe somebody else cares.
yeah, i've got a question, do maggots get drunk when they bury alcoholics?
Signed, dead drunkWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
alison,you are quite beautiful and your wordsstrike a harmony w/in my beinglike none there've been heard before;eyes I see comes nightsenddancing evil thingsfought away from essencewhen the phantasm of you has christened my dreams
Signed, jvwYeah, yeah, yeah.
What is the problem with all those youngfemale professionnals who won't go on a weekdaydate? I also work nine to five and have absolutelyno problem doing so. My week-ends are very booked already, so please, give me a chance to equilibrate my time-schedule.
Signed, Lonely mondaysWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?
Dear Allison:There is a quasi-lame concert this Saturday that a lot of my friends are attending. Among themis one of my housemates, who is leaving town on Monday to live on the other coast.I want to spend some time with my housemate before he jets, but I'd much rather be at a party than at this lame-ass concert
Signed, Problems near the PanhandleWell, I certainly don't care. Do you?