Well, hello again. And how are we today? Feeling feisty? Good.Cuz this week we've got something going here that's actuallyapproaching a theme.
"A theme? A
theme?" you ask? Well, lemmetell ya: It wasn't my choice; it just sorta happened. That little rant I spewed out recentlyabout there being too few women engineers out there? Well, that turned intoquite something else. It seems some people have some thoughts on the subject of women and ourplace within our world. And it just so happens that one of those people is yourstruly.
Indeed, how could I, of all people, not have
an opinion? Being a woman andall, and giving advice as I do, I tend to have quite a few opinions on quite anumber of things. Opinions aresublime:
They belong to you.
No one has to agree.
And they mean you don't ever haveto be right or wrong!
Dear Allison,
If there's really such a thingas karma, then why do nice guys always finish last?
Mr. Nice Guy Austin, TX
Because the
bad boys know how to cheat.
Hey you stuck up bitch,
Stop slammin LYNX!!!Not everyone gets a job doing nothing, you know!
Well, Mister
Bastard on a Freenet,
Your lovely slam of me leads me to believe that Lynx users are all sowonderful and charming! How could I havebeen so wrong? Golly, I am just so ashamed. Look, just because Isaid I wouldn't date someone who only used
Lynxdoesn't mean it's true. People say things all the time. If we onlysaid what was true, the world would be a dreadfully boring place.
Dear Allison,
Are you a feminazi? I took aphilosophy of feminism course in college thinking it would be an easy GPA boostand that I could learn about some of the issues concerning women today.Unfortunately, I was wrong in both assumptions. I found out that most feministsare radical and (forgive me) whiny, and to top it off, I got a C. The same grade Igot in Physical Chemistry. It surprises me that most women feel more oppressedthan the African-Americans. Who's to blame? Why, the typical "angry white male."Well, that philosophy sucks! I feel we are all born on equal ground, black,white, male, or female. The only ones who are genuinely oppressed are theanimals. What do you think? I'm sure you're not a feminazi and you'll probablyrespond to me with a hyperlink to the Loser's Homepage, but it's going to be hardrunning an advice column when your biases are so clearly evident.
No I am not afeminazi, but giveme a break. Get your head out of your
ass, pal. We're "all bornon equal ground"? Why the fuck do you think most feminists are radical, anyway?Because closed-minded upper-middle-class whitemales like you who truly believe that only "animals are oppressed" are the ones who call allthe shots in this country. Of course it seems great to you. The fact that youthought a class on women's issues would be an easy "A" is a painfully obviousexample of your lack of understanding. So, according to you, we're all
equal. Yeah, all of us"black, white, male, or female." Hate to break it to you pal, but there are quitea few races you left out of the mix there. Does that mean they aren'tequal? I mean if they were important you woulda mentioned them right? Hmmmm?Look around. Where do you work? Is the Big Boss a man or a woman? What coloris his skin? How old is the oldest woman in your firm/school/business comparedto the oldest man? The "typical angry white male" philosophy might
suck, and might not be true in every case, but yousure as hell don't do much to disprove it. (Hint: Think before you speak, thinkbefore you type: fucking think, goddamn it.) And one more thing, the only way to run an advice column is to make yourbiases evident.
Hi Allison,
We are out there. But how come Wired neverhas any groovy cyber chicks on the cover of the magazine?Tired of seeing all those corporate heroes who all amount tothe same ole shit.
Jenine Lurie
Hmmm yes, why don't youask them why there's anover abundance of white males on the covers? I mean, afterwhat that last guy said about us women being equal to menand all, you'd think there'd be an even ratio of the sexeson the cover wouldn't you?
Dear Allison,
Why are there relatively few women on the Net (rhetorical)? There weren't very many women in the Wild Westeither, were there? Is this true of all frontiers? Or maybewe just need some more places likeCicely,Alaska. (Remember Roslyn and Cicely? 3.23)
I think we're getting somewhere. Yes,not too many women inspace either, are there? Not too many women
generals, or too many women CEOs in the high-tech industry. Not yet. Listen, sisters, ain't no one gonna ask us to go out and take what we want. Yougot to go out and get it yourself. Not later, not soon, but now.
Dear Allison,
I really wish that you woulddiscuss the evil nature of women in a more direct fashion. I hate the phoney, "guyare pigs" stereotypes that are being thrown around. Maybe you could clear theissue up a little.
OK, you want tosee evil women? You want stereotypes to juxtapose against those "pigs"? That'seasy. Ever see a Disney movie? Remember all the villians? Yup.
Evil queens, evilstepmothers, evilwitches. All the evil women'sstereotypes you could ever want and more.